We had a ‘bumper’ morning last week in Sweetwaters with our Bonginkosi members. As part of our program to empower the community with basic skills, an AE Associate, Barrie Lewis, had hoped to accompany us to conduct a demonstration on how to cultivate broad beans (broad beans have the highest protein content after soybeans…and are tastier!).

Unfortunately, Barrie was not well and couldn’t make the trip, however, en route to Sweetwaters, we collected 5 x 20l buckets of his nutritious maize meal which he had kindly milled himself and generously donated for distribution to the Bonginkosi community.

We are planning on facilitating communal vegetable gardens which will be community driven and run. Two of the Bonginkosi ladies have been elected to be the chief gardeners; they will involve and guide those able and willing to assist. McDonald Seeds also very generously donated a HUGE sack of green bean seeds which we were able to hand out.  The folk were delighted with the seeds and we have asked them to show us what they harvest! These will be grown individually not communally as the seeds were an unexpected gift. Many of the Bonginkosi members have gardening areas at their homes but can’t afford fencing to keep goats out.  Hence the drive for several communal gardens at the nearby, fenced creche and school.  A small crop of green beans is manageable at their homes, however.

Siyanda Gumede, our Foxfire Coordinator, shared a thought-provoking message on “seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God”.

This was followed by a time of prayer and praise during which the peace, joy and unity amongst everyone was tangible.

Thereafter, we blessed them all with items of food relief, a range of toiletry items, blankets and beanies (from TWC Girls school). We also got the knitters together and handed out strong and colourful double ply cotton and a pattern for a dishcloth making project we’re trying.  The dishcloths have sold successfully in the W Cape and we’re hoping we can do the same here.  They can alternatively be used as a facecloth. Three of our Bonginkosi members also make stunning, reversible aprons with pockets which they sell.

“And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity.”

2 Corinthians 9:10

Gavin John – Communications Manager | South Africa

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