Into the Bushbuckridge mission-field they headed. Literally for some of our teams who found themselves ministering under mango trees and backyards during Mission to Bushbuckridge.

We praise God for the many who gave their lives to Jesus; for the ‘backslidden’ church-goers who recommitted themselves to fellowshipping with their local congregation; for those who just wanted prayer for personal needs; and especially for those who were hesitant, resistant, uncertain – that the seed sow would grow within them and they will come to know the risen Lord! Amongst the testimonies is one of a witchdoctor who started by chasing on of our teams away, but they persevered and eventually she allowed them to minister to her and then she received Christ! Hallelujah!

This brother committed his life to Jesus today! Our team met him during door-to-door ministry, and it was revealed to them shortly after conversation started that he was deaf in his left ear. They prayed for God’s healing upon him for various ailments, including restoration of healing in his left ear. He testified to feeling so much better after prayer, including his hearing in his left ear and by the time the team left him, he could still hear them clicking their fingers about a meter and half away from him! God is Good…God is the Great Physician!
‘The lady was so depressed when we came, it’s like she has been waiting for a person who can just ask her how she is? When we asked, she just offloaded so many traumatic experiences she has gone through, being rejected at her old church, and things just falling apart at home so much that she is ‘waiting for death’ she said. She was so hopeless.’

The team prayed for her and her son (in picture) and she committed her life to Jesus. Her only way of expressing her sincere gratitude was to offer our team some nartjies (fruit).
ANOTHER testimony (click to view) of praise and thanksgiving for healing!
A few TESTIMONIES from Missioners
‘We walked to a young lady doing washing. She already knew Jesus and her only prayer request was for work. Holy Spirit opened some other really deep emotional things that she was carrying. We could prophecy over her life and when we prayed for her, she started sobbing uncontrollably. We stood with her for a long time, just holding her and praying for the love of Jesus to comfort her. Eventually she composed herself. Later when we walked past her house on our way back to the church, she was waving with the biggest brightest smile.’
‘An old couple came to us and asked if we would speak to their young son. Apparently, he mentioned that he needed Jesus. As we were sharing the gospel with him, he accepted Jesus for the first time. Holy Spirit showed that was entrapped by people that kept a debt against his name and that he couldn’t break out, so we prayed into that and then Holy Spirit showed that he was suicidal. This was confirmed and dealt with in the spirit realm.’
‘An Indian lady came out of the house. She was born and grew up in India. She is currently in the process of doing her SA exams to practice medicine here. She confessed that she used to be a serious Christian whilst living in India, but coming to SA made her doubt in the existence of God because of how awful Christians treat one another. We had a very insightful conversation. She was not ready to recommit to Jesus but she was very open to prayer. She did say that she could feel things move when prayed for. We keep trusting God for her live. It’s a good reminder for believers that our lives matter and how we love one another.’
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”
Gavin John – Communications Manager| South Africa
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